Cedar Grove Missionary Baptist Church

New Members

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Our doors are always open to new members

Becoming a Member of Cedar Grove M.B. Church
Our goal is to give you a safe environment as you seek a  relationship with God. We want each service to be a bridge for you to connect to God in a spritual atmosphere. During our services we encourage you to explore Christianity at your own speed, free from pressure. In time, we hope to see you move from curiosity about Christianity to a full commitment to Christ.

As you build a closer relationship with God, you will naturally seek a deeper understanding of God and His spiritual purpose for your life.

While everyone is welcome to enjoy all of the services and worship opportunities that we have to offer, we do encourage  and pray that you will become a member of CGBC.


Membership is a voluntary covenant between each believer and our community of faith.To join our family our membership committments follow those of our faith

  • We require that you openly confess in your heart that you believe in Jesus Christ and you believe that he died for your sins and rose so that we would have everlasting salvation.

Become a fully devoted follower of Jesus Christ alone.

As you make these commitments to us, we as a church also make commitments to you.

  1. We commit to you, our acceptance and love. We will pray for you, encourage you, challenge you  through your new walk with christ

If you would like to join our church please fill out and submit this form

2. We will give you a place to belong and become involved. We will offer to you new friendships, and we  will give you an place to share your gifts, talents and creativity.

3. We will teach you and inspire you . We want to help you make an impact on this church and your world. With the power of Christ, we will join together to change our community for the better.

We now offer a New Members Class . If you are interested in becoming a member please fill out the form on join us or call the church @ (615)256-4927(leave your name address and phone number)

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Cedar Grove Missionary Baptist Church all rights reserved (c) 2005